About Us


The Sons & Daughters of Hawley conducts programs at three sites in Hawley, MA:

  • East Hawley Meetinghouse at 332 East Hawley Rd.
  • The Grove & SDH Archives at 327 East Hawley Rd.
  • Hawley’s Old Town Common at 236 East Hawley Rd. (next to the Hawley Bog)


The Sons & Daughters of Hawley is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. It has no paid staff. It carries out its programs entirely with volunteers and raises funds for its work through tax-deductible donations, grants, and the events it organizes each year.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the Sons and Daughters of Hawley meets at the Grove in the center of East Hawley each month from March through October to plan the society’s activities and events.

The board members bring a variety of skills, a deep commitment, and abundant energy to the projects the organization undertakes.

President , John F. Sears Historian
Vice President, Sarah Ohmann Retired lab technologist
Treasurer, Serra Root USPS employee
Corresponding Secretary, Pamela Shrimpton Copy editor
Recording Sec'y, Ed. of The Edge of Hawley, Suzy Groden Retired educator, translator, editor

Members of the Board:

Juanita Clark Homemaker, Volunteer
Bob Root Hawley Selectman
Elizabeth Sears Cultural anthropologist
Beth Thwing Children’s book author
Lark Thwing Retired executive
Grahame Travers Horticulturalist